I am an avid runner. This has not always been the case as I started running later in life. Last year I finished two half marathons – something I never dreamed I could do.
Over the past ten years, I have done a few half marathons but never considered myself a runner. It was not until I had an injury that my doctor casually mentioned to me “since you are a runner, we need to do an MRI.” I thought “Really, me – a runner?”
During my physical therapy, not only the therapist mentioned that I was a runner, another client said “Are you a runner?” When I said yes they said “you look like a runner.”
Hmmm… Maybe I am a runner. That injury did more for my running – it made me realize that I am an athlete. It allowed me to dream bigger and see myself in a different light.
Last year I was motivated to do the Oklahoma City Memorial Half Marathon as it marked the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Mural Building in Oklahoma City. I had not been training long but as a new member of the OKC community, I thought it was a very worthy cause and knew I could always walk. To my surprise, I ran the entire course – even “Gorilla Hill”. I almost cried when I crossed the finish line. It was one of those memories you will never forget.
Later that summer, I decided to do another half marathon because I loved the big “bling” finisher medal – a silly reason I know but it was really cool. Again, I had not trained that well but after the last half marathon, I felt confident that I could do it. The run started off well but by mile 5, I knew it was going to be tough. I had to walk several times and by mile 11 I hit a wall. I had never experienced this my running career so I wasn’t sure how to handle it. My husband kept encouraging me with texts that kept me going. The last few miles were hard but I kept going as I wanted that finisher medal.
When I crossed the finish line, I was relieved that I completed the race. I persevered and did it! And to my surprise, I even beat my goal time. Life can be amazing.
Sometimes in life we exceed our goals and other times we hit a wall. The important thing is to keep going – life may surprise you.
“Long may you run.” Neil Young